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Camila Saenz
May 7, 2023
great Synergy: The 6 Parallels of Triathlon and Business
So here's a question to ponder: Which one is more important—the journey or the destination? I used to think it was the journey, but take...

Camila Saenz
May 2, 2023
10 birthdays away from home, 10 lessons to share
It’s officially been 10 birthday celebrations away from home! A decade of people that became family singing happy birthday to me.

Camila Saenz
Apr 24, 2022
My first five businesses
Entrepreneurship means different things to different people. For me, it means trying even though you are scared of failing. One of my favori

Aug 30, 2021
¿Cómo se MIDE la vida y lo que aportamos? (ESP & ENG)
(Keep scrolling down for the English version) No son mis palabras, pero si mis pensamientos. La vida no se mide por el número de amigos...

Camila Saenz
Jun 28, 2021
5 Books that changed my life as an entrepreneur and the way I think
I would never imagine I was going to write a blog about books one day. I would never imagine one day I was going to be teaching a class...

Camila Saenz
Jun 7, 2021
5 quick tips - How to stop the impostor syndrome before it stops you
According to research 70% of us will feel like a fake fraud at some point and this is called impostor syndrome, it is a real thing. Some...

Camila Saenz
May 31, 2021
Leave THE interview feeling like a BOSS!
During interviews you need to sell yourself, convince someone that you are “good enough”, answer some awkward questions, and be around...

Camila Saenz
May 17, 2021
Get THE job interview
Getting a job is not a matter of luck, it is a matter of effort.

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